The Aura academic calendar follows a standard semestral system, with a summer term for all academic programs. With the exception of the Graduate school which has a trimestral system.

Each subject has 54 lecture hours, except laboratory subjects, which in addition to lecture have actual laboratory work of 108 hours for a total of 162 hours. Related learning experience for Nursing ranges between 153 to 403 hours.

Students are expected to comply with attendance, class work, assignments, and term papers as maybe required by their professors.

The grading system followed is the figure system ranging from 1.0 up 3.0 as the lowest grade. A 5.0 is a failure.

An academic retention is observed, wherein students getting a total of three failing grades are put on academic probation. Students on academic probation will not be allowed to drop or fail any subjects in the ensuing semester, to be removed from academic probation. If those students put on academic probation fail to comply with the conditions of their probation, they are advised to shift to another course or depending on the severity of their violation might not be allowed to re-enroll.

An undergraduate thesis is required in certain degrees, a production thesis is required for AB Masscom students. A thesis proposal will be defended before a panel of at least three professors, and if approved will be written and again subject to scrutiny of a thesis panel of professors.

The same procedure is required for graduate school students in all specialization, except for those who are enrolled in programs that require only a comprehensive examination and a feasibility study in lieu of a thesis.

Students’ attendance in lecture classes is strictly monitored. When a student commits three consecutive absences, he may be called to a truancy conference by the Dean of Student Affairs and given an admission slip before being admitted back in class. If a student exceeds 20% of 54 hours for a 3-unit class, he is “failed due to absences” or FA.

A student committing excused absences must be required to perform make up work for classes missed. An excused absence does not exempt students from class work missed.

Nursing students absent from RLE must perform make up duties corresponding to their absences and tardiness. They are likewise charged for their make-up duties to defray any additional expense.

Academic concerns must be referred to the Dean for Academic Affairs, Academic Affairs Office.


Academic Excellence

Aura has produced numerous board passers certifying its commitment to quality education

Aura has already produced board examination placers specifically in

Nursing (8th place)


Licensure Examination for Teachers (6th place)


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