Mondriaan Aura College – Subic Bay Freeport Zone is a tertiary institution recognized by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Regional Office III.


Founded on the principles of “Education for Liberation”, it fosters academic excellence, professional responsibility and social awareness. Towards this end, the College seeks to: 

1. Provide an intellectual training which will promote a value system founded on human rights, on upright living, and the origin, dignity and destiny of man; 

2. Contribute to national development by educating the youth for intelligent, effective, creative skills and professions thereby providing the necessary and enlightened leadership in the various fields of human social development;

 3. Be the seat of intellectual dedication constantly seeking and opening horizons for knowledge, with the end in view of ensuring the positive application of man’s potentialities and capabilities in response to the needs of contemporary society, being characterized by institutional and personal commitment to fundamental truths and principles;

 4. Make itself in conjunction with other social institutions a more dynamic and accessible instrument for promoting equality, social justice, and social consciousness to make itself a real effective mechanism for advancement of equality among men serving to promote principles against prejudicial forces which impede harmonious local, national, and international life.

The long-awaited redemption of Educational System from the quagmire that shackles it as interpreted in this visual art by Joseph Anthony S. Baltazar, BS Psychology and AB Mass Communication graduate, using latex on paper as medium.


The Light of your Vision

The Energy of your Hope

The Dawn of Your Future!


Bldg. H-8931 Former SubCom Area
Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Philippines

>> Telephone No. 047 252-3801

>> Facebook & Messenger: fb.com/auracollege

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