Academic Year 2024-2025

Board of Trustees
Chairman Edgar G. Geniza
Vice Chairman Brando G. Geniza
Secretary Alicia G. Garcia
Treasurer Ferdinand G. Geniza

College Officials

College President Edgar G. Geniza
Executive Vice President Editha B. Geniza
VP for Academics Yzagany Ivarra B. Geniza, P.ECE, M.Sc.
Dean, Academic Affairs Arturo P. Caseñas Jr., Ph.D.
Student Affairs Moderator Levy Q. Dela Peña, MHRM
College Registrar Elizabeth A. Vinarao, BEED,BSED,ABGC
Head, Guidance and Testing Center Ludivina L. Carballo, ABGC
Chief Librarian (OIC) / Library Consultant Nena V. Maneja, RL

Academic Department

OIC, College of Behavioral Science Chrystelle Mae S. Gangcuangco
OIC, College of Business Education Mercedes B. Bosales, MBA
Dean, College of Engineering Yzagany Ivarra B. Geniza, P.ECE, M.Sc.
Dean, College of Information Technology Arturo P. Caseñas Jr., Ph.D.
Dean, College of Teacher Education Elisa A. Menor, Ph.D.
Senior High School Principal Jonjon M. Rayala, IE, LPT, MAT

Academic Affairs Office

Academics Assistant Jeromie M. Echague, MHRM

Accounting Department

Accounting Staff Christine Nablo, MMBA
Accounting Staff Ezelquel Rose Santiago, MMBA
Cashier MacKenzie Heart S. Obien
Cashier John A. Madlos

College President’s Office

College President’s Office Secretary Noel Gonde, MHRM
Executive Assistant Edgar C. Ardiente
HR Assistant for Benefits Grace Empeño

College Media Council

Head/Vision Quest Adviser Sergio O. Ontuca

Engineering and Sciences Laboratory

Laboratory Custodian Jrny F. Geniza

Health and Safety Department

Head, Health and Safety Dept. Jonjon Rayala, BSIE, LPT, MAT

IT Services

Head, IT Center Ynigo Geniza
IT Custodian Analyn Arquillo, BSIT

Maintenance, Security, and General Services Department

Internal Security Rogelio R. Eclarinal
Internal Security Joel P. Gayanes
Maintenance Joselito Matic
Maintenance Allen Sumallo
Maintenance Marc Angelo Saplala
Housekeeping Eden A. Madlos
Housekeeping Marry Jean T. Borja
Library Department
Library Assistant I Gemma M. De Leon

Records Office

SHS Registrar / Records Assistant Carolyn I. Mera, BSBA
Records Assistant Ahramelle Mabborang, BSIT
Records Assistant Rose Ann Caronan


The long-awaited redemption of Educational System from the quagmire that shackles it as interpreted in this visual art by Joseph Anthony S. Baltazar, BS Psychology and AB Mass Communication graduate, using latex on paper as medium.


The Light of your Vision

The Energy of your Hope

The Dawn of Your Future!


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